We're not in Kansas anymore...

I grew up in small town Kansas, 700 people to be exact! My parents, John and Barbara, have always been active in the arts and introduced me to performances early. With my father being a Band Teacher he was often involved in concerts, but he also supported the other arts and it was because of this I got to see my first musical, Oklahoma. I was fascinated with theatre after this and eventually found my self on stage doing Ross Perot impressions during a talent show for my elementary school. It wasn’t until I got to El Dorado High School, that I was able to be in my first musical, Grease, I loved it. I was already a big fan of the movie, knowing every line, but being able to be apart of the story was so exciting. I was hooked! I was able to receive theatre scholarships while attending Butler Community College and Emporia State University where I earned my B.F.A. and then went to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville for a Masters Degree in Acting. Before leaving though, I cofounded a theatre where we were able to raise awareness and money for a local homeless shelter.

We’ve all had crazy jobs, but when I got to New York I was able to land a job performing as a Children’s Birthday Clown. It was great, as it taught me a lot about New York and other essential life skills such as: driving through crowded streets, basic magic tricks, the very important skill of balloon animals and staying focused while a bunny urinates on your hand. 

When I’m not working though, I enjoy playing golf or disc golf, staying inside and playing video games (especially World of Warcraft) and board games. My favorite being Settlers of Catan! I also, love trying new craft beers and watching football while keeping track of how my Fantasy Team is doing.

If you would like to get in touch, you can find me here.